Even though it’s a choice, the mental and psychological effects of abortion can be underestimated. Post-Abortion Stress (PAS) is defined as an individual’s struggle to express and work through thoughts and feelings about a pregnancy, an abortion, and striving to come to peace with oneself and others.
PAS is the ongoing inability to:
– Process the painful thoughts and emotions, particularly guilt, grief and anger, which come from one or more abortions.
-Identify or grieve the loss that has been experienced.
-Come to peace with oneself or others regarding the abortion decision.
The Symptoms
-Guilt, anxiety, or psychological numbness
-Depression (unexplained feelings of sadness; sudden uncontrollable crying episodes; poor self-esteem; sleep or appetite disruption; reduced motivation; conflicts in relationships; thoughts of suicide)
-Anniversary grief (on the anniversary date of the abortion or due date of the aborted child)
-Flashbacks of the abortion
-Preoccupation with becoming pregnant again or anxiety over fertility and childbearing issues
-Interruption of the bonding process with other children
-Survival guilt
-Eating disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, or other self-punishing or self-degrading behaviors

Getting Help
Emotional and mental health are critical to our overall health and wellness.
Choosing to have an abortion may have left you suffering some emotions you weren’t expecting. The compassionate advocates at Abiding Care are here to offer a safe place to talk about your abortion experience. If you have had an abortion in the past, check and see if you are currently experiencing some of the grief symptoms listed above.
Abiding Care offers a free post-abortion wellness program completely free and confidential.