Can I continue my pregnancy after taking the abortion pill?

Making a major decision can be stressful. Sometimes, people think that just picking an option will provide clarity. But what if you change your mind? Is it possible to go back? Not all decisions are final. Medical abortion, also known as the abortion pill, seems like one of those final decisions that cannot be undone. […]

It’s not your fault

For anyone who has been sexually assaulted, abused, or had anyone take advantage of you in any way, we want you to know two things: It’s not your fault. There is hope and healing.   Your question might be, can Abiding Care help me? We have resources and referrals for someone in your position because […]

Chlamydia and HPV – What you need to know

Chlamydia and HPV. Two different types of STDs (bacterial and viral, respectively), but both are the most common in their categories.  Both can cause irreparable harm if not caught early and treated.  If you are sexually active, please read through this carefully and thoroughly. It could save your life! In 2018, according to the CDC, […]

She’s pregnant?

She’s pregnant. She’s pregnant! Now what? What is your role? What are your rights? How can you support her? First, take a deep breath. If this is an unexpected pregnancy, she is in shock too. There are likely a lot of thoughts filling her head. How will I… How can we… I’m not ready to […]

What you need to know about STDs

STDs – sexually transmitted diseases. Just three little letters but man, they are no joke.  In talking with most sexually active people, getting pregnant is their greatest concern. The reality is, statistically, they should be more worried about getting an STD. According to the CDC, in 2018, STD rates for adults in our country were […]

The abortion pill – are you prepared?

Are you pregnant? Considering the abortion pill? Please keep reading, as this post was written just for you. While the abortion pill is marketed as a safe and easy option, women have reported a lack of information and feeling unprepared for the process. We know that everyone’s experience is different, but we have put together […]

How to have the “I’m pregnant” talk, part II (partner edition)

“I’m pregnant.” Two words that will change your life forever, no matter what pregnancy option you choose.  Growing up, I had fairy tale-like visions of what this moment would be like.  But when I found myself facing an unplanned pregnancy, sharing that news was not the fairy tale vision I had dreamt of. The person […]

When there’s the possibility of more than one dad

It was hard enough finding out I was pregnant, and then to top it off, I wasn’t sure who the father was. Once I got over the shock of the news, I had to get busy trying to figure out who that was so I knew who to give that news to. I was afraid […]

How to have the “I’m pregnant” talk

“I’m pregnant!”  I remember blurting these words out at lunch with my mom as a 20-year-old unmarried woman. It was the hardest two words to get out, but there they were. And while my parents were upset, they did not kill me, as I had assumed they would. That conversation was over 30 years ago […]

You have options… you have time

You got a positive test. You may feel like the pressure is on. You may feel the need to make a decision NOW. But take a deep breath… Give yourself time to think through your options. Yes, you do have options. And yes, you do have time. The nurses at Abiding Care want to make […]

It’s complicated

It’s complicated. It’s more than just a relationship status on social media.  Often it’s reality – our reality.  And sometimes it’s a reality that can keep us from getting the help we need because it’s just so messy.  And sitting down and getting into the mess with a stranger…well, we’d just rather not. But the […]

Top 5 Reasons Women Come to Abiding Care

All different kinds of people for all different kinds of reasons come to Abiding Care.  You may be unaware of what Abiding Care even does.  Here is the top 5 reason why people choose Abiding Care as their first step when facing an unplanned pregnancy.